
Born: August 9, 1968
Birthplace: Chicago, USA
Current residence: {residence}
Height: 5'2" (1.56 m)
Interesting facts: Married with
Clyde Klotz (1994)
Gillian realized her love for acting when
she auditioned for a community play while attending City High School in Grand
Rapids, Michigan.
"Somehow, I have no idea how the transition was made from wanting to be a archeologist
or a marine biologist, to wanting to be an actress, but it just kind of happened,"
says Gillian.
As a child Gillian seemed to be more interested in marine biology than on becoming
a television star.
"I loved digging up worms and cutting them up into little pieces. In the interests
of science, of course!"
Her mother, Rosemary recalls, "From the start Gillian had a real flare for the
dramatic. That has simply always been her personality. But the first time I
knew something was really up with her and acting was when she was 14 and a teacher
assigned her the Romeo And Juliet balcony scene. Gillian had no background in
Shakespeare, acting or anything remotely like it. Nobody on either side of our
family had any experience with acting. Her father was interested in film production,
but that had mostly been connected with industrial training films and commercials.
But she studied that scene and mastered it with no effort whatever. When she
performed it from me my jaw just dropped."
Gillian Leigh Anderson was born in Chicago Illinois, on August 9th, 1968. Soon
after her birth the family relocated to Puerto Rico, for 15 months then moved
to England. Gillian spent the next 9 years of her childhood growing up in London's
North End. First in Stamford Hill, then later in Crouch End, while her father
Edward was studying film production at the London School of Film Technique in
Covent Garden for 2 years. Eventually the family moved back to the States and
settled in Grand Rapids, her father now runs a film post-production company
and her mother is a computer analyst. Before the she got into acting, Gillian
dabbled in the punk rock scene.
"I fainted when it was inserted. My father was furious about it," Gillian tells
of her father's reaction of her getting a nose ring.
"I was confused," is how Gillian puts her somewhat wild teen years.
"I was arrested on graduation night for breaking and entering into the high
school," Gillian confesses in a recent interview for TV Guide. Of course growing
up in England and then moving back to the States was not a simple thing, as
her mother recalls:
"The contrast was just incredible. Plus she missed all the friends she had grown
up with in London. And her classmates all thought she talked funny because she
didn't have an American accent. Gillian had to learn to speak like an American
for the first time in her life, just to fit in."
Gillian herself admits: "I was angry and it was my way of keeping people at
a distance."
In a different interview Gillian remembers, "I was always off in my own little
world or being sent to the principal's office for talking back."
Then the acting bug hit and, "My outlook changed, my grades went up and I was
voted 'most improved student'," Gillian says.
After graduating from City High School in 1986, Gillian studied acting at the
prestigious DePaul University's Goodman Theater and graduated with a Bachelor's
degree in Fine Arts. While attending DePaul Gillian was selected to attend a
three-week workshop run by the National Theatre of Great Britain at Cornell,
in Ithaca, NY, during the summer after her freshman year. Upon obtaining her
degree, Gillian headed to New York at the age of 22, to pursue a career in acting.
Gillian's first big break came she landed a role in an off Broadway play 'Absent
Friends.' It was for her performance in this production that Gillian won a Theater
World Award in 1991. Gillian did one more play 'Philanthropist,' with was performed
at the Long Wharf Theater in New Haven, Conn. and a low budget film staring
Tess Harper and Karen Allen called the 'Turning,' before relocating to LA, to
pursue a career in film.
First of all, I swore I'd never move to Los Angeles, and once I did, I swore
I'd never do television. It was only after being out of work for almost a year
that I began going in [to auditions] on some stuff that I would pray that I
wouldn't get because I didn't want to be involved in it."
In LA Gillian landed a guest appearance in the sort lived TV series 'Class of
96,' the title of the episode she guest stared in was 'The Accused,' that was
episode 8. In 1993 Gillian auditioned for a TV pilot on a newly formed Fox Network,
called The X-Files -- in which she auditioned for the role of Special Agent
Dana Scully.
"I couldn't put the script down," Gillian remembers.
During the auditions though, there was a bit of behind the scene's action. The
executives at Fox wanted someone with less radiance and more sex-appeal cast
in the role of Scully, but Chris Carter insisted that Gillian had the no-nonsense
integrity the role required.
"I sort of staked my pilot and my career at the time on Gillian. I feel vindicated
everyday now," says Chris Carter on his decision to stand firm on his choice
for Scully. As luck would have it the day her last unemployment check arrived
she found out that she had won the role of Agent Scully and flew straight out
to Vancouver and began shooting the pilot.
"I didn't foresee at all that it was going to become as popular as it has. I
often thought, 'What have I gotten myself into?' The first year was the hardest
in terms of getting into the grueling hours and sleep deprivation and having
to perform constantly, day in and day out," Gillian recalls of the first season.
Just as the show was taking off, Gillian met Clyde Klotz, the series assistant
art director at the time.
"It wasn't quite love at first sight," Gillian says of their three-month affair.
"It was Clyde's smile that first attracted me. He was very quiet, rugged and
cool, but I soon realized he had a lot to say and that he was a very intelligent
On New Year's Day, 1994 Gillian and Clyde flew to Hawaii and got married on
the 17th hole of a golf course. The only other person present was the Buddhist
monk that performed the ceremony.
"We sent a letter to my mum and dad, with a strict instruction not to open it
until New Year's Day. Mom had already met Clyde and my dad was in a good mood
that day, so they were happy," Gillian recalls on how she told her parents about
her new spouse. Gillian was back on the set of The X-files 2 days later. Then
came shocking news a few months later, Gillian found out she was pregnant. When
Gillian learned she was indeed pregnant she already knew what she wanted to
do, but concedes to "not completely thinking ahead about the consequences of
that decision." The first person she told on the set was co-star David Duchovny.
"Part of the show's success is the audience's investment in these characters,"
Chris Carter says as he again stuck by Gillian and refused to have Scully re-cast.
"It was a bit of a bombshell for them (referring to the executives at Fox).
It wasn't in my contract not to get pregnant, but it is now," Gillian recalls.
+ The House of Mirth (2000) - Lily Bart
+ Playing by Heart (1998) - Meredith
+ The X-Files (1998) - Agent Dana Scully
+ The Mighty (1998) - Loretta Lee
+ Chicago Cab (1998) - Southside Girl
+ The X-Files Game (1998) (VG) - Dana Scully
+ Mononoke Hime (1997) - Moro (English version)
+ Inside the X-Files (1997) (TV) - Dana Scully/Herself
+ "Future Fantastic" (1996) (TV) - Host
+ Secrets of the X-Files, Part 2 (1996) (TV) - Dana Scully
+ Secrets of the X-Files, Part 1 (1995) (TV) - Dana Scully
+ The X-Files (1993) (TV) - Special Agent Dana Katherine Scully
+ The Turning (1992) - April Cavanaugh